Vol. 32, issue 10, article # 1

Bogdanova Yu. V., Klimeshina T. E., Rodimova O. B. The dimer absorption within the water vapor bands in the IR region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 10. P. 801–807. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191001 [in Russian].
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Contributions of the water dimer absorption to the continuum absorption within the IR water vapor spectrum are examined. They are deduced as the difference between experimental data and the asymptotic line wing theory (ALWT) calculation data. In the ALWT calculations, the line contours are used with parameters fitted to the Burch experimental data and to the FTIR measurements in the IR water vapor windows. Calculation with the line contour describing the Burch data in the 2000–3000 m-1 region gives a good agreement with the CRDS data between other water vapor bands. Within the water vapor bands both contour types provide close absorption values presumably due to stable dimers.


water vapor, continuum absorption, water vapor dimers, the Burch continuum, the FTIR and CRDS measurements


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