Vol. 32, issue 10, article # 7

Belikov Yu. E., Dyshlevsky S. V., Repin A. Yu. The effect of thin high altitude clouds and aerosol layers on the solar radiation transfer to the Earth surface in twilight conditions. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 10. P. 844–847. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191007 [in Russian].
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The effect of thin clouds and aerosols in the upper troposphere and stratosphere on the solar light transmission by the tropospheric cloudiness is considered. A simplified model of the radiation transfer in the near-IR range with the different values of the single-scattering albedo in the lower troposphere is suggested. The analytic formulae are derived which show a possible increase in the transmission of the solar light by the tropospheric cloudiness under twilight conditions in the case of the emerging of high thin tropospheric clouds and aerosol layers over it. This effect may play a key role in the climatic changes and sea ice melting in the Arctic.


aerosols, cloud layers, scattering phase function, twilight scattering effect, Arctic climate, climatic change


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