Vol. 32, issue 11, article # 10

Rubinshtein K. G., Gubenko I. M., Ignatov R. Yu., Tikhonenko N. D., Yusupov Yu. I. Experiments on lightning data assimilation gathered from lightning detection network. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 11. P. 936–941. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191110 [in Russian].
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The work is devoted to the analysis of our first results about the impact of lightning data assimilation on the numerical weather forecast. We present a brief overview of the methods for lightning data assimilation in weather prediction models, a description of the algorithm used, and the results of numerical experiments on convective storms over Krasnodar region, Russia, observed in 2017. It is found that the average absolute errors are reduced. It is shown that the configuration of prognostic precipitation fields and their intensity is much closer to the observations. This is especially clearly seen for light precipitation (0–7 mm).


thunderstorms, convective precipitation, data assimilation, WRF-ARW, lightning detection networks


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