Vol. 32, issue 12, article # 4

Pavlov V. E., Khvostov I. V., Kurepina N. Yu., Kovalevskaya N. M., Khvorova L. A. The distribution functions of chlorophyll and suspended matter concentrations in the waters of the Gulf of Ob and the central part of the Kara Sea. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 12. P. 978–982. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191204 [in Russian].
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On the basis of long-term data obtained from the European ENVISAT satellite, the statistical analysis of chlorophyll and suspended matter concentrations in the Gulf of Ob and its extension to the Kara Sea from Bely Island to Novaya Zemlya was performed. It was found that empirical functions of chlorophyll and suspended matter concentration distribution in both water areas, including the coastal zone of the Gulf of Ob, tend to the lognormal law. Statistical parameters of distributions and characteristics of the latitudinal trends of logarithms of concentrations in the Kara Sea are determined. The obtained results are presented in graphical and tabular forms and can be used in modelling the distribution of dispersed components in the waters of the Arctic Ocean under study.


chlorophyll, suspended matter, the Gulf of Ob, the Kara Sea, MERIS spectrophotometer, lognormal distributions


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