Vol. 33, issue 02, article # 3

Fedorov V. A. Spectral density of stationary random processes with a power structure function. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 02. P. 95–103. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200203 [in Russian].
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The conditions for a function to fall in the class of structure functions for stationary random processes are formulated. In the spatial domain, this corresponds to a homogeneous and isotropic scalar field. It is shown that the power function can be a structure function only if the power index is no larger than unity. The relation of spectral densities of stationary and random processes to stationary increments is demonstrated. The oscillating character of the behavior of spectral density of stationary processes is shown. Analytical equations are derived for their description with the analysis of accuracy characteristics. They are recommended for wide practical application.


stationary random process, random process with stationary increments, structure function, spectral density


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