Vol. 33, issue 03, article # 3

Razhev A. M., Churkin D. S., Karagapoltsev E. S., Tkachenko R. A., Trunov I. A. IR Xe I laser pumped by pulsed induction cylindrical discharge. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 03. P. 173–176. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200303 [in Russian].
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An IR laser, which operates in the region 900–2050 nm at transitions of Xe I atoms and is pumped by pulsed inductive cylindrical discharge, has been created. Xenon and its mixtures with helium and argon were used as active media. The influence of the composition of the active gas medium on the intensity of Xe I atom radiation was experimentally studied. The lasing spectrum consisted of three lines with wavelengths of 904.5, 1733, and 2026 nm. The intensity ratio strongly depended on the composition of the active medium. The duration of the optical radiation pulses attained 8 ± 1 ns (FWHM).


pulsed inductive cylindrical discharge, IR Xe I laser, generation spectrum


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