Vol. 33, issue 05, article # 6

Morozov V. N., Paleу A. A., Pisanko Yu. V. The ionization effect on the aerosol particle formation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 05. P. 368–372. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200506 [in Russian].
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The results of experimental study of the effect of corona ions on the new aerosol particles formation are considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that both in a controlled space (aerosol chambers), regardless of its volume, and in a natural atmosphere, the generation of a corona discharge is accompanied by the formation of new aerosol particles of nanometer size, the concentration of which exceeds the background concentration by more than an order of magnitude. The results are interpreted on the basis of theoretical ideas about the effect of the electric charge of ions on the process of condensation of various impurities. Using the coagulation theory and the continuous growth model, the growth of aerosol particles is calculated as a function of time.


aerosol particles, coagulation, ions, corona discharge


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