Vol. 33, issue 07, article # 8

Afanas'ev A. L., Dudorov V. V., Mikhailov Yu. T., Nasonova A. S., Rostov A. P., Shestakov Sh. O. Retrieval of crosswind velocity based on the analysis of remote object images. Part 3. Experimental test. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 07. P. 553–558. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200708 [in Russian].
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The passive technique for crosswind velocity retrieval from a video series of incoherent images, developed in previous works, has been tested. The technique is based on the visualization of air-drifted turbulent air inhomogeneities which distort optical images recorded. The results of retrieval of the crosswind velocity by the technique suggested are compared with anemometer measurements at paths of up to 1 km in length.


wind velocity, turbulent atmosphere, incoherent image


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