Vol. 33, issue 09, article # 11

Ignatov R. Yu., Rubinshtein K. G., Yusupov Yu. I. Numerical experiments on the forecast of ice phenomena. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 09. P. 735–741. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200911 [in Russian].
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Methods and results of numerical forecast of ice phenomena over the territory of the central Russia for winters 2003–2018 are presented. The forecast success is compared using the analysis of precipitation types and the heat balance model, where the predictions of the WRF-ARW model are used as input. Some advantages of forecasts using a heat-balanced model are shown. It is suggested to develop an integral method in the future.


forecast of ice, central region of Russia, WRF-ARW


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