Vol. 33, issue 09, article # 7

Sin’kevich A. A., Mikhailovskii Yu. P., Toropova M. L., Popov V. B., Starykh D. S., Dovgalyuk Yu. A., Veremei N. E. Thunderstorm with waterspout structure and lightning frequency dependence from its characteristics. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 09. P. 705–709. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200907 [in Russian].
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The aim of this work is to summarize the results of the study of the development of a high-depth thunderstorm over water area of the Gulf of Finland. A waterspout was observed under the base of the cloud. Remote sensing methods were used in the study. The general conditions of atmospheric instability, microphysical and electrical characteristics of the cloud are considered. Cloud microphysics and its relation with lightning frequency are discussed. High correlation was discovered between the frequency of lightning discharges and supercooled volume of the cloud, as well as precipitation flux.


thunder, cloud, electric field, waterspout, radar, Meteosat, microphysics


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