Vol. 33, issue 10, article # 11

Loboda E. L., Kasymov D. P., Agafontsev M. V., Reino V. V., Gordeev E. V., Tarkanova V. A., Martynov P. S., Orlov K. E., Savin K. V., Dutov A. I., Loboda Yu. A. Impact of small-scale wild fires on the air parameters near burning centers. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 10. P. 818–823. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20201011 [in Russian].
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This paper presents some results of semi-natural studies of steppe fires conducted in 2019 and 2011 at the base experimental complex of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS. As a result of the research, the characteristics of the front of a model steppe fire and the conditions for its spread were established. The effect of a modal fire on meteorological parameters (temperature and relative humidity, vertical component of wind velocity), turbulence characteristics in the combustion zone, gas and aerosol composition of the atmosphere in the immediate vicinity of the fire was recorded.


steppe fire, wildland fire, combustion, flame, turbulence, meteorological parameters, air emissions


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