Vol. 36, issue 02, article # 11

Tatur V. V., Tikhomirov A. A. Experimental evaluation of the effect of benzene and toluene on measurement of mercury vapor concentration with an analyzer based on the transverse Zeeman effect. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 02. P. 154–158. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230211 [in Russian].
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The experimental setup and the technique are suggested for sequential feeding of controlled doses of Hg, benzene, and toluene vapors into the measuring cell of a DOG-07 analyzer with a mercury capillary lamp based on the transverse Zeeman effect as a radiation source. It is shown that when benzene or toluene vapors with concentrations of up to 10 mg/m3 are added to the measuring cell with mercury vapors in a concentration of more than 30 ng/m3, there is no error in the measured Hg concentration. With the introduction of a higher concentration of benzene vapors, an increase in the measured concentration of Hg is observed. The introduction of a higher concentration of toluene vapor into the measuring cell leads to a decrease in the measured concentration of Hg.


mercury vapor analyzer, transverse Zeeman Effects, benzene, toluene


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