Vol. 36, issue 11, article # 3

Veretennikov V. V., Uzhegov V. N., Shmargunov V. P. Dynamics of microphysical parameters of the pyrolysis smoke based on the results of inversion of aerosol scattering and extinction coefficients in the Big Aerosol Chamber of IAO SB RAS. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 11. P. 883–894. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20231103 [in Russian].
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Measurements of polarization scattering phase functions and spectral extinction coefficients were carried out in smoke aerosols formed as a result of thermal decomposition of pine wood in the mode of low-temperature pyrolysis in the Big Aerosol Chamber (BAC) of IAO SB RAS. Using the developed algorithm for inverting optical measurements, the microstructure and complex refractive index of pyrolysis smoke are retrieved. The volume concentration and the mean radius of particles are analyzed microstructure parameters, with division into fine and coarse fractions. The temporal variability of the microphysical parameters of smoke aerosol is studied for 65 hours. It has been established that the real part of the refractive index is in the vicinity of n = 1.55, and the imaginary part is in the range 0.007 < k < 0.009. The mean radius of fine particles varies in the narrow range 0.137–0.146 mm. During smoke aging, the mean particle radius of the total ensemble monotonically increased from 0.19 to 0.6 mm, mainly due to a relative increase in the content of coarse aerosol. Results of this work are important for estimation of the radiative forcing of aerosol, improvement of climate models and algorithms of remote optical sounding.


pyrolysis smoke, polarization spectronephelometry, extinction coefficient, inverse problem, microphysical parameters, complex index of refraction


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