Vol. 37, issue 01, article # 3

Kapitanov V. A., Ponurovskii Ya. Ya. Analysis of the absorption spectrum of pure H2S in the ranges 6227.506–6236.844 and 6244.188–6245.348 cm-1: absorption line positions and intensities, self-broadening and self-shift coefficients. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 01. P. 22–31. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240103 [in Russian].
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For the first time with high spectral resolution (0,00016 cm-1) and threshold sensitivity (~ 1E-26 cm/molec.), the absorption spectrum of the H2S molecule was recorded in the spectral ranges 6227.506–6236.844 and 6244.188–6245.348 cm-1 at room temperature and pressures of 0.001–0.06 atm. The measurements were carried out at the Institute of General Physics on a high-sensitivity high-resolution diode laser spectrometer with a signal-to-noise ratio of more than 10000. Line center shift coefficients D0/P and collisional widths G2/P have been estimated for the first time; new spectral lines have been recorded. The estimates of the experimental values of the positions of the line centers determined in this work differ from the calculated positions of the centers in the HITRAN database by the value Δν = (νH - νexp) × 103 cm-1 » 0.001–0.01 cm-1. The intensity estimates coincide much worse, the relative differences 100% × (SH - Sexp)/SH amount to tens of percent, the intensities of five lines differ by hundreds of percent or more.


diode laser spectroscopy, hydrogen sulfide, molecular absorption lines, Voigt profile, broadening and shift of absorption lines


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