Vol. 4, issue 11, article # 9

pdf Shaparev N. Ya., Shkedov I. M. Dynamics of photoionization of barium atoms by solar radiation. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 11. P. 816-820.
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Results of numerical simulation of the process of a plane layer of optically thin and thick Ba vapor photoionization by solar radiation are presented. A multilevel model of the Ba atom has been constructed which allows one to describe dynamics of vapor photoionization with an account of kinetics of population of singlet 1D2 and triplet 3D1,2,3 states. Ionization of dense vapor occurs inhomogeneously along the spatial variable due to the effect of the incident radiation absorption by the layer, and the effective time of the layer ionization increases in comparison with an optically thin vapor. Two modes of the vapor clearing up for radiation with λ = 5536.48 Å have also been found, the first one is related to populating of metastable states, and the second to the gas photoionization.