Vol. 6, issue 01, article # 4

pdf Seidov A., Shishakov K. V. Study of optical refraction on near-ground paths in arid zone. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 01. P. 42-50.
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Regular and random optical refraction on near–ground paths under conditions of hot climate in arid zone is studied. Diurnal variations of the vertical refraction angle, its dependence on the altitude of a target under observation, and relation of the regular component of the refraction angle variations to the variance of its random fluctuations are the objects of this study. The formulas derived on the basis of the Kolmogorov––Obukhov theory of the surface atmospheric layer and the theory of optical refraction enable us to increase the accuracy of the refraction studies by several times as compared to the well–known technique of metrological measurements of the refraction angle.