Vol. 6, issue 06, article # 20

pdf Evtushenko V. A., Bychkov I. A., Soldatov A. N., Zyryanov B. N. Experimental study of the influence of radiation from a copper vapor laser on tumor metastases. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 746-749.
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This paper presents some results on the irradiation of experimental animals with intertwined tumours by a low intensity laser radiation. In this study we used a He-Ne laser and a copper vapor laser. It was revealed in this study that radiation of a helium neon laser stimulates both the volume of tumour and the number of metastasis. On the other hand radiation of a copper vapor laser oppresses the growth of a turmour and shows a distinct antimetastasis action what prolongs the life of animals.