Vol. 8, issue 03, article # 14

pdf Lukin V. P., Fortes B. V. The influence of wave-front dislocations on the phase conjugation instability at compensation for thermal blooming. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 03. P. 435-447.
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The influence of dislocations of an independent reference beam wave front on the efficiency of compensation for thermal blooming occurring along a homogeneous horizontal path is considered in the paper. Some specific features of numerical simulation of adaptive optical systems (AOS) operating in the presence of dislocations in a reference wave are discussed. Correlation between oscillations of corrected beam parameters and periodically occurring dislocations in the reference wave has been found at exact phase conjugation. The oscillating regime has not been observed when simulating AOS with the Hartmann wave–front sensor and using modal algorithm of the phase estimation; in this case eliminating of the quadratic aberrations control from the adaptive contour significantly increases the efficiency of phase correction for thermal blooming.