Vol. 9, issue 05, article # 3

pdf Budak V. P., Lisitsin D. V., Selivanov V. A., Tsereteli G. G. Calculation of polarization characteristics of radiation reflected by a plane layer of a turbid medium. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 05. P. 368-373.
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The improvement way for vector generalization of small-angle modification of spherical harmonics approximation for backward viewing hemisphere has been expounded. It is based on perturbation theory method. The numerical results of the improvement carried out are adduced. Besides obtained and analyzed is the limit transition from vector small-angle modification of spherical harmonics approximation to small-angle approximation obtained by Dolin and its polarization generalization made by Zege and Chaikovskaya. This fact makes small-angle modification of spherical harmonics approximation to be the general form of small-angle approximation.