Vol. 9, issue 11, article # 4

pdf Tartakovsky V. A., Mayer N. N. Phase dislocations and focal spot. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 11. P. 926-929.
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Phase dislocations and the corresponding zeros of the wave function modulus are most likely due to the use of the complex wave model as Gabor's analytical signal. However, the azimuth oscillations observable around possible zero points1 and the concomitant energy transfer as well as the dichotomy of the interference fringes demonstrate the existence of new and more complicated properties of the wave process irrespective of the way its phase and envelope are determined. One more objective manifestation of that complication is the focal spots formed by a wave with dislocations passed through a Fourier lens which we study in this paper.