Vol. 9, issue 11, article # 5

pdf Shmalgausen V. I., Yaitskova N. A. Correction error in imaging of extended objects through the turbulent atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1996. V. 9. No. 11. P. 930-935.
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The effect of anisoplanatism on the performance of an adaptive optics system intended for imaging of extended objects through the atmospheric turbulence has been studied. The main attention has been paid to estimation of the residual error induced by anisoplanatism, disregarding other factors degrading the system performance. A method for compromise compensation minimizing the residual error of correction has been suggested. By expanding phase distortions in a system of Zernike polynomials, the contribution of correction for particular aberrations has been evaluated to the residual error. An analytical method for evaluating the system performance for an arbitrary turbulence spectrum has been developed. Numerical calculations have been done for a circular extended area on the object using the Gaussian quadrature formulas. The results are presented for the von Karman and Kolmogorov turbulence spectra with different values of the outer scale.