Current issue

Content of issue 09, volume 37, 2024

1. Penenko A. V., Gochakov A. V., Аntokhin P. N. Data assimilation algorithm based on sensitivity operator for a three-dimensional atmospheric transport and transformation model. P. 719–728
Bibliographic reference:
Penenko A. V., Gochakov A. V., Аntokhin P. N. Data assimilation algorithm based on sensitivity operator for a three-dimensional atmospheric transport and transformation model. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 719–728. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240901 [in Russian].
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2. Simonova G. V., Markelova A. N., Nagorsky P. M., Pustovalov K. N., Oglezneva M. V., Davydkina A. E. The influence of mesoscale convective systems on the isotopic composition of precipitation: the case of Tomsk city. P. 729–735
Bibliographic reference:
Simonova G. V., Markelova A. N., Nagorsky P. M., Pustovalov K. N., Oglezneva M. V., Davydkina A. E. The influence of mesoscale convective systems on the isotopic composition of precipitation: the case of Tomsk city. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 729–735. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240902 [in Russian].
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3. Kostsov V. S., Ionov D. V., Andryukova A. B., Ryabushko E. P. Influence of the “cloud bow” effect in SEVIRI satellite instrument measurements on characterisation of the diurnal cycle of the land–sea contrast of the cloud liquid water path in Northern Europe. P. 736–745
Bibliographic reference:
Kostsov V. S., Ionov D. V., Andryukova A. B., Ryabushko E. P. Influence of the “cloud bow” effect in SEVIRI satellite instrument measurements on characterisation of the diurnal cycle of the land–sea contrast of the cloud liquid water path in Northern Europe. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 736–745. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240903.
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4. Sevast'yanov V. V., Margaryan V. G. Temperature fields in the lower troposphere over the Caucasus. P. 746–753
Bibliographic reference:
Sevast'yanov V. V., Margaryan V. G. Temperature fields in the lower troposphere over the Caucasus. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 746–753. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240904 [in Russian].
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5. Ageev B. G., Sapozhnikova V. A., Gruzdev A. N., Savchuk D. A. Possible influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on vital activity of trees (southeast of Western Siberia). P. 754–759
Bibliographic reference:
Ageev B. G., Sapozhnikova V. A., Gruzdev A. N., Savchuk D. A. Possible influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on vital activity of trees (southeast of Western Siberia). // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 754–759. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240905 [in Russian].
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6. Arshinov M. Yu., Belan B. D., Davydov D. K., Kozlov A. V., Fofonov A. V. Emission and sink of greenhouse gases in the grassland ecosystem of southern taiga of Western Siberia: estimates of the contribution of soil flux component from observations of 2023. P. 760–772
Bibliographic reference:
Arshinov M. Yu., Belan B. D., Davydov D. K., Kozlov A. V., Fofonov A. V. Emission and sink of greenhouse gases in the grassland ecosystem of southern taiga of Western Siberia: estimates of the contribution of soil flux component from observations of 2023. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 760–772. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240906 [in Russian].
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7. Sakerin S. M., Kabanov D. M., Kruglinsky I. A., Pol'kin V. V., Pochyufarov A. O. Features of the spatial distribution of atmospheric aerosol in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean. P. 772–778
Bibliographic reference:
Sakerin S. M., Kabanov D. M., Kruglinsky I. A., Pol'kin V. V., Pochyufarov A. O. Features of the spatial distribution of atmospheric aerosol in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 772–778. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240907 [in Russian].
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8. Osipova O. P., Osipov E. Yu. Synoptic conditions for ablation of the Sygyktinsky Glacier (Kodar Range). P. 779–784
Bibliographic reference:
Osipova O. P., Osipov E. Yu. Synoptic conditions for ablation of the Sygyktinsky Glacier (Kodar Range). // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 779–784. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240908 [in Russian].
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9. Konoshonkin A. V., Kustova N. V., Shishko V. A., Timofeev D. N., Tkachev I. V., Bakute E., Babinovich A. E., Zhu X., Wang Z. Optical model of a cirrus cloud consisting of hollow ice hexagonal columns for lidar applications. P. 785–793
Bibliographic reference:
Konoshonkin A. V., Kustova N. V., Shishko V. A., Timofeev D. N., Tkachev I. V., Bakute E., Babinovich A. E., Zhu X., Wang Z. Optical model of a cirrus cloud consisting of hollow ice hexagonal columns for lidar applications. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 785–793. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240909 [in Russian].
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10. Belan B. D., Razenkov I. A., Rynkov K. A. Airborne lidar BSE-6 for remote detection of clear-air turbulence. P. 794–800
Bibliographic reference:
Belan B. D., Razenkov I. A., Rynkov K. A. Airborne lidar BSE-6 for remote detection of clear-air turbulence. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 794–800. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240910 [in Russian].
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11. Nevzorov A. A., Nevzorov A. V., Kharchenko O. V., Kravtsova N. S., Romanovskii Ya. O. Lidar complex for monitoring the ozonosphere over Tomsk. P. 801–807
Bibliographic reference:
Nevzorov A. A., Nevzorov A. V., Kharchenko O. V., Kravtsova N. S., Romanovskii Ya. O. Lidar complex for monitoring the ozonosphere over Tomsk. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 801–807. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240911 [in Russian].
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12. Shikhovtsev A. Yu., Kovadlo P. G. Optical turbulence vertical profiles and estimates of the turbulence outer scale above the Baykal Astrophysical Observatory. P. 808–814
Bibliographic reference:
Shikhovtsev A. Yu., Kovadlo P. G. Optical turbulence vertical profiles and estimates of the turbulence outer scale above the Baykal Astrophysical Observatory. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 09. P. 808–814. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240912 [in Russian].
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