Vol. 21, issue 01, article # 1

pdf Buldakov M. A., Cherepanov V. N., Nagornova N. S. Functions of dynamic polarizability of LiH and Li2 molecules. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 01. P. 1-7.
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An analytical approach to description of the dynamic electronic polarizability tensor αii(R, ω) for LiH and Li2 molecules as functions of their internuclear distance R and external electromagnetic field frequency ω are proposed. The description is based on estimating the upper and lower bounds of αii(R, ω), which are calculated using the known static polarizability function αii(R, 0) and a limited number of energies of excited electronic states of Em(R) and electric dipole transition moments (di)0m(R).