Content of issue 05, volume 21, 2008

pdf 1. Zavoruev V. V., Domysheva V. M., Shimaraev M. N., Sakirko M. V., Pestunov D. A., Panchenko M. V. Spatial distribution of phytoplankton fluorescence parameters in the period of spring homothermy formation in Lake Baikal. P. 327-330
Bibliographic reference:
Zavoruev V. V., Domysheva V. M., Shimaraev M. N., Sakirko M. V., Pestunov D. A., Panchenko M. V. Spatial distribution of phytoplankton fluorescence parameters in the period of spring homothermy formation in Lake Baikal. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 327-330.
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pdf 2. Lavric N. L., Efimov Yu. Ya., Mulloev N. U. Inner-filter effect as a function of the diameter of an exciting beam in fluorescence emitting spectra. P. 331-334
Bibliographic reference:
Lavric N. L., Efimov Yu. Ya., Mulloev N. U. Inner-filter effect as a function of the diameter of an exciting beam in fluorescence emitting spectra. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 331-334.
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pdf 3. Rakhimov R. F., Makienko E. V., Kozlov V. S. Peculiarities in formation of smoke aerosol dispersion structure at thermal decomposition of coniferous wood. 3. Afterburning of undecomposed fragments. P. 335-341
Bibliographic reference:
Rakhimov R. F., Makienko E. V., Kozlov V. S. Peculiarities in formation of smoke aerosol dispersion structure at thermal decomposition of coniferous wood. 3. Afterburning of undecomposed fragments. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 335-341.
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pdf 4. Zakharov V. I., Blagodareva M. S., Gribanov K. G. The method of remote sensing of 13CO2/12CO2 ratio in the atmosphere using high resolution transmittance IR spectra. P. 342-344
Bibliographic reference:
Zakharov V. I., Blagodareva M. S., Gribanov K. G. The method of remote sensing of 13CO2/12CO2 ratio in the atmosphere using high resolution transmittance IR spectra. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 342-344.
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pdf 5. Belan B. D. Tropospheric ozone. 2. Measurement instrumentation. P. 345-368
Bibliographic reference:
Belan B. D. Tropospheric ozone. 2. Measurement instrumentation. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 345-368.
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pdf 6. Mikhalev A. V., Medvedeva I. V., Kostyleva N. V., Stoeva P. V. Manifestation of solar activity in variations of atmospheric emissions at 557.7 and 630 nm in the 23rd solar cycle. P. 369-374
Bibliographic reference:
Mikhalev A. V., Medvedeva I. V., Kostyleva N. V., Stoeva P. V. Manifestation of solar activity in variations of atmospheric emissions at 557.7 and 630 nm in the 23rd solar cycle. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 369-374.
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pdf 7. Kapitanov V. A., Nikiforova O. Yu., Ponomarev Yu. N. Estimation of systematic errors in determination of the methane concentration using diode laser detector. P. 375-383
Bibliographic reference:
Kapitanov V. A., Nikiforova O. Yu., Ponomarev Yu. N. Estimation of systematic errors in determination of the methane concentration using diode laser detector. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 375-383.
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pdf 8. Lokoshchenko M. A., Elansky N. F., Malyashova V. P., Trifanova A. V. Dynamics of sulfur dioxide surface concentration in Moscow. P. 384-391
Bibliographic reference:
Lokoshchenko M. A., Elansky N. F., Malyashova V. P., Trifanova A. V. Dynamics of sulfur dioxide surface concentration in Moscow. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 384-391.
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pdf 9. Gusev V. G. Formation of interference patterns in diffusively scattered fields at a double-exposure recording of quasi-Fourier and Fourier holograms using a Galilean telescope. P. 392-409
Bibliographic reference:
Gusev V. G. Formation of interference patterns in diffusively scattered fields at a double-exposure recording of quasi-Fourier and Fourier holograms using a Galilean telescope. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 05. P. 392-409.
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