Vol. 21, issue 06, article # 10

pdf Rubtsova O. A., Kovalenko V. A., Molodykh S. I. Manifestation of isolated heliogeophysical perturbations in the high-latitude troposphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 06. P. 463-466.
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The results are presented of the research into the response of the high-latitude troposphere climatic characteristics to isolated heliogeophysical perturbations (HGP) (space sun beams, geomagnetic storms). It is shown that these disturbances are accompanied by regular changes of the thermobaric field dynamics. It has been found that the typical zonal transfer disturbance, which manifests itself in the fact that there appears "stationarity" of isolated moving structures, takes place after HGP. It is precisely these stationary regions that are of maximal troposphere response to HGP. It has been established that after heliogeophysical disturbances in the isolated high-latitude regions of the lower and middle troposphere, there can be observed a significant (up to 15°) temperature increase, while in the upper troposphere its decrease is observed. The heat content change at latitudes higher 50° related to isolated HGP can reach several per cent of the annual variation amplitude. The revealed regularities are totally explicable on the basis of the model and mechanism of the solar activity influence on the tropospheric climatic characteristics previously suggested by the authors.