Vol. 21, issue 12, article # 2

pdf Clok S. I., Kruchenitskii G. M. Seasonal and long-term variability of temperature and pressure fields in Antarctic region. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 12. P. 893-899.
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Diurnal, seasonal, and long-term variabilities of temperature and pressure fields in the Antarctic have been analyzed. The contribution of each above variability into the total variability of thermobaric fields has been estimated, as well as spatial distribution of these contributions. Spectra of seasonal behavior of pressure and temperature have been compared. Peculiarities of spatial localization of diurnal variations of thermobaric fields in the region are described. It has been shown that temperature trends here are positive while pressure ones are negative, and they are mostly pronounced in the Western Antarctica. Parameters of probable long-term variations of temperature and pressure in the region have been estimated.


Antarctics, thermobaric fields, seasonal variability, long-term variability, interaction of geospheres