Vol. 28, issue 11, article # 4

Apeksimov D. V., Golik S. S., Zemlyanov A. A., Iglakova A. N., Kabanov A. M., Kuchinskaya O. A., Matvienko G. G., Oshlakov V. K., Petrov A. V., Sokolova E. B. Multiple filamentation of collimated laser radiation in water and glass. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 11. P. 972-978. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20151104 [in Russian].
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Results of experimental investigation of spatial characteristics of the region of multiple filamentstion of giga- and terawatt pulses of Ti:Sapphire laser in the glass and water are presented. The pulse power dependences of the coordinates of the filamentation region, the number of filaments, their distribution along the axis of the laser beam, and the mean length of the filaments on the impulse power are presented. It is shown that the spatial characteristics of filamentation region are qualitatively similar for water and glass. It is found that the number of filaments along the region of multiple filamentation has a unimodal distribution. When increasing the radiation power, the length of individual filaments in the field of multiple filamentation is reduced, and the diameter has a quasi-constant value at all values of power, implemented in the experiments. The filamentation region, when reaching a certain power laser pulses with a Gaussian distribution of energy density, takes the form of a hollow cone with the apex directed to the source of radiation.


laser radiation, femtosecond pulse, self-focusing, multiple filamentation, glass, water


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