Vol. 30, issue 04, article # 3

Krymskii G. F., Petukhov S. I., Pavlov G. S. Simulation of water vapor condensation. Charged clusters. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 04. P. 281–284. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170403 [in Russian].
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On the basis of simulation of water molecule interaction in small clusters in the presence of ions the binding energy of molecules and supersaturation of vapor being in balance with small droplets is calculated. Supersaturation thresholds are found. It is shown that negatively charged droplets have a lower threshold than positively charged ones. In the calculations, the four-point potential for water molecules is used.


water rapor, drops, condensation, coupling energy, supersaturation


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