Vol. 30, issue 05, article # 2

Tarasenkov M. V., Belov V. V., Poznaharev E. S. Simulation of information transfer through atmospheric channels of scattered laser radiation propagation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 05. P. 371–376. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170502 [in Russian].
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Results of simulation of the impulse response of an atmospheric optical communication channel on scattered radiation at wavelengths of 0.3, 0.5, and 0.9 μm are considered. Our analysis shows that the maximal power of the received information-bearing signal is attained at λ= 0.3 μm for base distances between the source and the receiving system of 2–3 km and shorter. For larger base distances and low atmospheric turbidity, the maximum is attained at λ= 0.5 μm. When the atmospheric turbidity is high and the base distances are 3–10 km, the maximal power is observed at λ= 0.5 μm. However, when the base distances exceed 10 km, the maximal power of information-bearing signal is attained at λ = 0.9 μm. For a particular example of laser source and receiver system, the limiting base distance between the source  and the receiver and the limiting pulse repetition frequency which is not filtered out by the communication channel are estimated using the results of calculations of the impulse response of the atmospheric communication channel at λ = 0.5 μm.


atmosphere, scattered laser radiation, bistatic optical communication, visible, UV, and near-IR wavelength regions, limiting base distances, limiting pulse repetition frequency


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