Vol. 34, issue 01, article # 4

Razenkov I. A. Capabilities of a turbulent BSE-lidar for the study of the atmospheric boundary layer. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 01. P. 26–35. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210104 [in Russian].
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In order to study the capabilities of a turbulent lidar, an experiment was conducted using the BSE-4 system, a meteorological measuring system, and an MTP-5 temperature profiler. The profile of the structure constant of the refractive index  up to an altitude of 2 km was determined using the lidar at an interval of 15 seconds. Experimental data on the intensity of dynamic turbulence when the wind increases over rough terrain are presented. Lidar operation under buoyant convection conditions allowed us to observe the movement of thermals and the formation of Cu clouds in the boundary layer. Under the conditions of cellular convection, the lidar recorded quasi-periodic oscillations of  (Benard cells), which represented a stationary wave. Under stable temperature stratification, when the Richardson number was less than 1/4, the turbulent lidar detected the appearance of a Kelvin-Helmholtz wave.


atmospheric turbulence, atmospheric waves, backscatter enhancement effect, lidar


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