Vol. 34, issue 02, article # 8

Gladkikh V. A., Nevzorova I. V., Odintsov S. L. Heat fluxes in the surface air layer with decomposition of initial components onto different scales. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 02. P. 129–142. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210208 [in Russian].
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The paper discusses the results of calculation of heat fluxes (kinematic temperature fluxes) in the surface air layer from experimental data on variations in the air temperature and wind vector components on different scales. The fluxes along three coordinate axes of the “stationary” and “accompanying” Cartesian coordinate systems are compared. Estimates of the heat fluxes for the territory with natural landscape (at two altitudes in the surface layer) and the urban territory are considered. The analysis of experimental data has led us to the conclusion that the heat fluxes on the local scale should be taken into account along with the heat fluxes on the turbulent scale when predicting the state of the atmosphere using models of high spatial resolution.


atmosphere, heat flux, surface layer, gray zone, turbulence


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