Vol. 34, issue 06, article # 15

Peremitina T. O., Yashchenko I. G. Use of vegetation indices for diagnostics of the natural ecosystem state at oil and gas facilities. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 06. P. 471–475. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210615 [in Russian].
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The state of the vegetation cover of hydrocarbon deposits of the Parabelsky district of the Tomsk region: Gerasimovskoe, Kazanskoe, Kalinovoe, Mirnoe, Nizhne-Tabaganskoe, and Urmanskoe is studied. The average values of EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) are calculated for the areas under study on the basis of Terra/MODIS satellite data with the use of the ArcGis geographic information system. The state of the vegetation cover is examined for the early growing season, from May 25 to June 25, over the past ten years (2011–2020). Positive trends toward an increase in the EVI values in 2020 are found for all the territories under study, which indicate the revegetation process and improvement of the ecological situation.


satellite data, vegetation index, geoinformation systems, vegetation cover, hydrocarbon deposits


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