Vol. 34, issue 07, article # 1

Sinitsa L. N., Emelyanov N. M., Lugovskoy A. A., Shcherbakov A. P., Annenkov V. V. Determination of silica material pore sizes from IR spectra of adsorbed water. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 07. P. 483-487. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210701 [in Russian].
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A technique for determining the diameter of nanosized pores has been developed. It consists in filling a substance with liquid water, recording the absorption spectra of the substance with water, compiling a database of spectroscopic data characterizing the substance with different pore sizes, and retriving the pore diameter of an arbitrary substance using an algorithm based on the regression analysis. The technique has been tested on silica samples of different porosity.


nanopores, water vapor, absorption spectrum, regression analysis


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