Vol. 34, issue 11, article # 10

Cheremisin A. A., Marichev V. N., Bochkovskii D. A., Novikov P. V., Romanchenko I. I. Stratospheric aerosol from Siberian forest fires according to lidar observations in Tomsk in August 2019. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 11. P. 898–905. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20211110 [in Russian].
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In this work, we examine the transport of combustion aerosol into the stratosphere in summer 2019, when numerous wildfires occurred in Siberia, Canada, and Alaska. According to lidar observations carried out in Tomsk at the stratospheric lidar station of IAO SB RAS in August 2019, distinct layers of aerosol scattering were detected in the lower stratosphere. The analysis of back air mass trajectories calculated on the basis of satellite radiometric information about fires in the Northern Hemisphere and CALIPSO lidar data allows a conclusion that the aerosol layers observed were formed by the combustion products of fires in Siberia transported into the stratosphere.


stratospheric aerosol, lidar observations, forest fire smoke, trajectory analysis, satellite observation data


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