Vol. 35, issue 03, article # 10

Gribova E. Z. Statistical properties of aerosol density in turbulent flows. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 03. P. 246–249. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220310 [in Russian].
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Density fluctuations of a clot of aerosol particles in the atmosphere are studied. A one-dimensional case is considered characteristic of the motion of particles in a narrow vertical fire column or in an aircraft trail. The effect of localization of clots is shown to be observed under certain conditions, which consists in formation of compact areas of increased density of aerosol particles surrounded by areas of low density. Knowledge of such properties of impurity density can be useful in solving inverse problems of aerosol optics.


turbulent diffusion, molecular diffusion, aerosol, impurity density, clustering


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