Vol. 35, issue 12, article # 14

Trigub M. V., Vasnev N. A. Features of maging formation in a bistatic laser active optics system. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 12. P. 1058–1063. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20221214 [in Russian].
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The features of high-power and high-contrast imaging in a bistatic laser active optics system (laser monitor) are considered. In the developed system, a brightness amplifier has a larger volume than an illumination source, which makes provides for high-power contrast images of micro objects. For the first time, the influence of the time shift between a superradiance pulse of the amplifier and the time of signal arrival at its input on the contrast and power of images formed by one pulse was was ascertained. It is shown that artifacts formed as a result of the superluminous radiation "parasitic" reflection and scattering from optical circuit elements significantly reduce the contrast and power of the generated signals. This effect can be eliminated by the generation of an amplifier input signal before the generation of amplified spontaneous emission. The optimal delay is 1 ns.


active opticals system, amplifier, CuBr laser, master oscillator – power amplifier, contrast


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