Vol. 32, issue 11, article # 8

Shishigin S. A. Investigation of the method for correction of gas content in air by the outgoing radiation of the atmosphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 11. P. 925–929. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20191108 [in Russian].
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A model of the atmosphere is considered as a sequence of homogeneous layers 100 m thick from the Earth’s surface to a height of 5 km. Layer parameters are defined for a standard atmosphere. Contribution to the outgoing radiation of the atmosphere in the spectral regions of the methane absorption band of the P- (1240.901–1240.949 cm-1) and R-branches (1327,12–1327,17 cm-1) is equal to the contributions to the outgoing radiation of the Earth by all non-uniform layers. A possible method for adjusting the temperature of the atmospheric layer and the underlying surface according to the convergence of the results of simultaneous calculations of the content of the test gas in atmospheric layers using outgoing radiation in the P- and R-branches of the absorption band of this gas is shown.


atmosphere, methane, temperature, homogeneous layer, IR radiation, spectrum, method


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