Том 17, номер 10, статья № 1

pdf Кондратьев К. Я. От нано- до глобальных масштабов: свойства, процессы образования и последствия воздействий атмосферного аэрозоля. 3. Процессы образования (нуклеации) аэрозоля. // Оптика атмосферы и океана. 2004. Т. 17. № 10. С. 787-807.
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Сделан обзор процессов образования (нуклеации) аэрозоля.

Список литературы:

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10. Кондратьев К.Я. От нано- до глобальных масштабов: свойства, процессы образования и последствия воздействий атмосферного аэрозоля. 2. Полевые наблюдательные эксперименты. Америка, Западная Европа и высокие широты // Оптика атмосф. и океана. 2004. Т. 17. № 9. С. 715-741.
11. Alfaro S.C., Gomes L., Rajot J.L., Lafon S., Gaudichet A., Chatenet B., Maille M., Cautenet G., Lasserre F., Cachier H., Zhang X.Y. Chemical and optical characterization of aerosols measured in spring 2002 at the ACE-Asia supersite, Zhenbeitai, China // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 9/1- ACE 9/18.
12. Allen A.G., Oppenheimer C., Ferm M., Baxter P.J., Horrocks L.A., Galle B., Mc Gonigle A.J.S., Duffell H.J. Primary sulfate aerosol and associated emissions from Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 23. P. ACH 5/1-ACH 5/8.
13. Anderson T.L., Masonis S.J., Covert D.S., Ahlquist N.C., Howell S.G., Clarke A.D., Mc Naughton C.S. Variability of aerosol optical properties derived from in situ aircraft measurements during ACE-Asia // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 15/1-ACE 15/19.
14. Bahreini R., Jimenez J.L., Wang J., Flagan R.C., Seinfeld J.H., Jayne J.T., Worsnop D.R. // Aircraft-based aerosol size and composition measurements during ACE-Asia using an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003.V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 13/1-ACE 13/22.
15. Berresheim H., Elste T., Tremmel H.G., Allen A.G., Hansson H.-C., Rosman K., Dal Maso M., Makela J.M., Kulmala M., O'Dowd C.D. Gas-aerosol relationships of H2SO4, MSA, and OH: Observations in the coastal marine boundary layer at Mace Head, Ireland // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 19. P. PAR 5/1-PAR 5/12.
16. Boy M., Rannik U., Lehtinen K.E.J., Tarvainen V., Hakola H., Kulmala M. Nucleation events in the continental boundary layer: Long-term statistical analyses of aerosol relevant characteristics // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. AAC 5/1-AAC 5/13.
17. Cai X., Griffin R.J. Modeling the formation of secondary organic aerosol in coastal areas: Role of the sea-salt aerosol organic layer // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 15. P. AAC 3/1-AAC 3/14.
18. Carrico C.M., Kus P., Rood M.J., Quinn P.K., Bates T.S. Mixtures of pollution dust, sea-salt, and volcanic aerosol during ACE-Asia: Radiative properties as a function of relative humidity // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 18/1-ACE 18/18.
19. Chu D.A., Kaufman Y.J., Zibordi G., Chern J.D., Mao J., Li C., Holben B.N. Global monitoring of air pollution over land from the Earth Observing System - Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. ACH 4/1-ACH 4/18.
20. Chuang P.Y. Measurement of the time-scale of hydroscopic growth for atmospheric aerosols // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 9. P. AAC 5/1-AAC 5/13.
21. Dal Maso M., Kulmala M., Lehtinen K.E.J., Makela J.M., Aalto P., O'Dowd C.D. Condensation and coagulation sinks and formation of nucleation mode particles in coastal and boreal forest boundary layers // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 19. P. PAR 2/1-PAR 2/10.
22. Dibb J.E., Talbot R.W., Seid G., Jordan C., Scheuer E., Atlas E., Blake N.J., Blake D.R. Airborne sampling of aerosol particles: Comparison between surface sampling at Christmas Island and P-3 sampling during PEM-Tropics B // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 2. P. PEM 2/1-PEM 2/17.
23. Dibb J.E., Talbot R.W., Scheuer E.M., Seid G., Avery M.A., Singh H.B. Aerosol chemical composition in Asian continental outflow during the TRACE-P campaign: Comparison with PEM-West B // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. GTE 36/1-GTE 36/13.
24. Duncan B.N., Martin R.V., Staudt A.C., Vevich R., Logen J.A. Interannual and seasonal variability of biomass burning emissions constrained by satellite observations // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 2. P. ACH 1/1-ACH 1/22.
25. Franke K., Ansmann A., Muller D., Althausen D., Venkataraman C., Reddy M.S., Wagner F., Sheele R. Optical properties of the Indo-Asian haze layer over the tropical Indian Ocean // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 2. P. AAC 6/1-AAC 6/17.
26. Hameri K., O'Dowd C.D., Hoell C. Evaluating measurements of new particle concentrations, source rates, and spatial scales during coastal nucleation events using condensation particle counters // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 19. P. PAR 6/1-PAR 6/11.
27. Holler R., Ito K., Tohno S., Kasahara M. Wavelength-dependent aerosol single-scattering albedo: Measurements and model calculations for a coastal site near the Sea of Japan during ACE-Asia // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 16/1-ACE 16/15.
28. Iwasaka Y., Shi G.-Y., Yamada M., Matsuki A., Trochkine D., Kim Y.S., Zhang D., Nagatani T., Shibata T., Nagatani M., Nakata H., Shen Z., Li G., Chen B. Importance of dust particles in the free troposphere over the Taklamakan Desert: Electron microscopic experiments of particles collected with a balloon-borne particle impactor at Danhuang, China // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 12/1-ACE 12/10.
29. Iwasaka Y., Shibata T., Nagatani T., Shi G.-Y., Kim Y.S., Matsuki A., Trochkine D., Zhang D., Yamada M., Nagatani M., Nakata H., Shen Z., Li G., Chen B., Kawahira K. Large depolarization ratio of free tropospheric aerosols over the Taklamakan Desert revealed by lidar measurements: possible diffusion and transport of dust particles // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 20/1-ACE 20/8.
30. Jimenez J.L., Bahreini R., Cocker D.R.,III, Zhu-
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31. Jordan C.E., Anderson B.E., Talbot R.W., Dibb J.E., Fuelberg H.E., Hudgins C.H., Kiley C.M., Russo R., Scheuer E., Seid G., Thornhill K.L., Winstead E. Chemical and physical properties of bulk aerosols within four sectors observed during TRACE-P // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. GTE 34/1-GTE 34/19.
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33. Komppula M., Lihavainen H., Hatakka J., Paatero J., Aalto P., Kulmala M., Viisanen Y. Observations of new particle formation and size distributions at two different heights and surrounding in sub-arctic area in northern Finland // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 108. N 9. P. AAC 12/1-AAC 12/11.
34. Korhonen H., Lehtinen K. E. J., Pirjola L., Napari I., Vehkamaki H., Noppel M., Kulmala M. Simulation of atmospheric nucleation mode: A comparison of nucleation models and size distribution representations // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 15. P. AAC 12/1-AAC 12/8.
35. Korhonen H., Napari I., Timmrech C., Vehkamaki H., Pirjola L., Lehtinen K.E.J., Lauri A., Kulmala M. Heterogeneous nucleation as a potential sulphate-coating mechanism of atmospheric mineral dust particles and implications of coated dust on new particle formation // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 17. P. AAC 4/1-AAC 4/9.
36. Kulmala M. How particles nucleate and grow // Science. 2003. V. 302. N5647. P. 1000-1001.
37. Laakso L., Makela J.M., Pirjola L., Kulmala M. Model studies on ion-induced nucleation in the atmosphere // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 20. P. AAC 5/1-AAC 5/19.
38. Laakso L., Kulmala M., Lehtinen K. E. J. Effect of condensation rate enhancement factor on 3-nm (diameter) particle formation in binary ion-induced and homogeneous nucleation // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 18. P. ACH 2/1-ACH 2/6.
39. Lee S.-H., Reaves J.M., Wilson J.C., Hunton D.E., Viggiano A.A., Miller T.M., Ballenthin J.O., Lait L.P. Particle formation by ion nucleation in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere // Science. 2003. V. 301. N 5641. P. 1886-1889.
40. Limbeck A., Kulmala M., Puxbaum H. Secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere via heterogeneous reaction of gaseous isoprene on acidic particles // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2003. V. 30. N 19. P. ASC 6/1-ASC 6/4.
41. Luo B.P., Voigt C., Fueglistaler S., Peter T. Extreme NAT supersaturations in mountain wave ice PSC's: A clue to NAT formation // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 15. P. AAC 4/1 - AAC 4/10.
42. Murayama T., Masonis S.J., Redemann J., Anderson T.L., Schmid B., Livingston J.M., Russel P.B., Huebert B., Howell S.G., Mc Naughton C.S., Clarke A., Abo M., Shimizu A., Sugimoto N., Yabuki M., Kuze H., Fukagawa S., Maxwell-Meier K., Weber R.J., Orsini D.A., Blomquist B., Bandy A., Thornton D. An intercomparison of lidar-derived aerosol optical properties with airborne measurements near Tokyo during ACE-Asia // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 19/1-ACE 19/19.
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44. O'Dowd C.D., Hameri K., Makela J.M., Pirjola L., Kulmala M., Jennings S.G., Berresheim H., Hansson H.-C., de Leeuw G., Kunz G.J., Allen A.G., Hewitt C.N., Jackson A., Viisanen Y., Hoffmann T. A dedicated study of New Particle Formation and Fate in the Coastal Environment (PARFORCE): Overview of objectives and achievements // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 19. P. PAR 1/1-PAR 1/16.
45. O'Dowd C.D., Hameri K., Makela J., Vakeva M., Aalto P., De Leeuw G., Kunz G.J., Becker E., Hansson H.-C., Allen A.C., Harrison R.M., Berresheim H., Kleefeld C., Geever M., Jennings S.G., Kulmala M. Coastal new particle formation: Environmental conditions and aerosol photochemical characteristics during nucleation bursts // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 19. P. PAR 12/1-PAR 12/17.
46. O'Dowd C.D. On the spatial extent and evolution of coastal aerosol plumes // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 15. P. PAR 10/1-PAR 10/13.
47. Rankin A.M., Wolff E.W. A year-long record of size-segregated aerosol composition at Halley, Antarctica // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 24. P. AAC 9/1- AAC 9/12.
48. Romero A.B., Thiemens M.H. Mass-independent sulfur isotopic compositions in present-day sulfate aerosols // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 16. P. AAC 8/1-AAC 8/7.
48a. Sano I., Mukai S., Okada Y., Holben B.N., Ohta S., Takamura T. Optical properties of aerosols during APEX and ACE-Asia experiments // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108.N 23. P. ACE 17/1-ACE 17/9.
49. Streets D.G., Bond T.C., Carmichael G.R., Fernandes S.D., Fu Q., He D., Klimont Z., Nelson S.M., Tsai N.Y., Wang M.Q., Woo J.-H., Yarber K.F. An inventory of gaseous and primary aerosol emissions in Asia in the year 2000 // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. GTE 30/1-GTE 30/23.
50. Sun D., Chen F., Bloemendal J., Su R. Seasonal variability of modern dust over the Loess Plateau of China // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. AAC 3/1-AAC 3/10.
51. Twohy C.H., Clement C.F., Gandrud B.W., Weinheimer A.J., Campos T.L., Baumgardner D., Brune W.H., Falona I., Sachse G.W., Vay S.A., Tan D. Deep convection as a source of new particles in the midlatitude upper troposphere // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 21.P. AAC 6/1-AAC 6/10.
52. Vakeva M., Hameri K., Aalto P. P. Hygroscopic properties of nucleation mode and Aitken mode particles during nucleation bursts and in background air on the west coast of Ireland // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 19. P. PAR 9/1 - PAR 9/11.
53. Wang J., Christopher S.A., Brechtel F., Kim J., Schmid B., Redemann J., Russel P.B., Quinn P., Holben B.N. // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 23. P. ACE 25/1 - ACE 25/14.
54. Weber R.J., Lee S., Chen G., Wang B., Kapustin V., Moore K., Clarke A.D., Mauldin L., Kosciuch E., Cantrell C., Eisele F., Thornton D.C., Bandy A.R., Sachse G.W., Fuelberg H.E. New particle formation in anthropogenic plumes advecting from Asia observed during TRACE-P // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 21. P. GTE 35/1-GTE 35/15.
55. Yu F. Nucleation rate of particles in the lower atmosphere: Estimated time needed to reach pseudo-steady state and sensitivity to H2SO4 gas concentration // Geophys. Res. Lett. 2003. V. 30. N 10. P. 33/1-33/4.
56. Zhang K.M., Wexler A.S. A hypothesis for growth of fresh atmospheric nuclei // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2002. V. 107. N 21. P. AAC 15/1 - AAC 15/6.
57. Zhang D., Iwasaka Y., Shi G., Zang J., Matsuki A., Trochkine D. Mixture state and size of Asian dust particles collected at southwestern Japan in spring 2000 // J. Geophys. Res. D. 2003. V. 108. N 24. P. ACH 9/1 - ACH 9/12.