Том 23, номер 12, статья № 11

pdf Ульрич А., Heindl T., Krucken R., Undagoitia T. Marrodan., Морозов А. М., Pereira L., Визер Дж. Application of low energy electron beam excitation of dense gases and liquids for astro-particle physics. // Оптика атмосферы и океана. 2010. Т. 23. № 12. С. 1114-1119.
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A table-top setup for characterizing gaseous and liquid scintillating material is described. The key part of the instrumentation is a 300 nm thin ceramic membrane made from silicon nitride and silicon oxide. Low energy electrons with 12 keV particle energy are sent through this membrane into the material to be tested. Both fully continuous and pulsed beams can be used. Time resolved optical spectroscopy is used as the diagnostic method. The fluorescence of nitrogen and solutions of liquid scintillation material are described as examples for applying the technique.

Ключевые слова:

particle detectors, electron beam, optical spectroscopy

Список литературы:

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