Vol. 10, issue 07, article # 5

pdf Gusev V. G. Formation of holographic and speckle lateral shear interferograms to control the quality of telescope optical systems. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 07. P. 467-473.
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In this paper two types of interferometers are analyzed. The first is based on a two-exposure record of a hologram of an amplitude scatterer image by Gabor scheme focused with a Kepler telescopic system. The second is based on a two-exposure record of specklogram of a focused mat screen image. It was shown both theoretically and experimentally that when performing spatial filtration of a diffraction field, shear interferogram is formed in the hologram plane that characterizes axial wave aberrations of an object under control. In the case of a two-exposure specklogram reconstruction in the far diffraction zone a shear speckle-interferogram is formed that characterizes axial wave aberrations of an object under control with a doubled sensitivity at a fixed lateral shear.