Vol. 10, issue 12, article # 1

pdf Zuev V. V., Smirnov S. V. Zuev and S.V. Smirnov Combined observations of the anomalies in the stratospheric ozone with the Siberian Lidar Station (SLS, 56.5ºN, 85ºE). // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 12. P. 874-884.
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We discuss here some anomalies in the stratospheric ozone as revealed from simultaneous observations of the total ozone content (TOC) with a routine standard ozonometric measurements and from lidar measurements of the ozone and temperature profiles acquired with the Siberian Lidar Station in Tomsk. Five periods of 6 to 12-day duration have been isolated from the observational data series since 1994 and until 1997 when the ozone behavior exhibited anomalous features so that the deviations of TOC values averaged over 6 days exceeded 20% against the annual mean level of TOC. Negative anomalies were observed in January, 1994, and February, 1995; positive anomalies – in December, 1994 and November–December, 1996. The synoptic analysis has shown that the positive ozone anomalies were related to a front of a high stationary central cyclone that moved to lower latitudes. Similarly, negative ozone anomalies were referred to a front part of a high blocking anticyclone (high ridge) moved to higher latitudes. During the periods of ozone anomalies planetary waves with the wave number of 3 or 4 were observed in the tropospheric circulation and duration and the intensity of the ozone anomalies grew with the decreasing wave number. The analysis has shown that the main cause of such anomalous deviations in the total ozone content is a horizontal transport of the air mass caused by movement of high extensive pressure fields. The maximum local anomalies are related to zones of intense regular vertical motions in the low stratosphere above the tropospheric pressure field formations which accompany local changes in the geopotential magnitude being located in the contrast front parts of the pressure field formations.