Vol. 12, issue 01, article # 1

pdf Ivanova N. S., Kruchenitskii G. M., Chernikov A. A. First phase of creating the system for monitoring of the UV-radiation in Russia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 01. P. 1-5.
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The first phase of creating the system for monitoring of the UV-B radiation over the territory of Russia has recently been completed and the instrumentation tested. The pilot operation of the system has revealed its good performance. The system has been designed to provide for real-time estimation of the field of integral (over the UV-B range) UV irradiance of the European part of the Russian Federation territory. It allows detection of regions, in which the level of UV-B irradiance departs significantly from the climatic norm. It was found during the pilot operation that 67% of data given by the UV monitoring system differ from the results of the ground reference measurements by no more than 20%, and 73% of data differ by no more than 25%.