Vol. 12, issue 06, article # 3

pdf Vinogradova G. M., Zavalishin N. N., Kuzin V. I., Pushistov P. Yu. On the intrasecular variability of the climate of Western Siberia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 06. P. 475-479.
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An analysis of hydrometeorological data on rainfall and ground-level air temperature during the period 1901–1996 in the region of Western Siberia is presented. The first five empirical orthogonal functions are analyzed, as well as the 30-year average hydrometeorological characteristics for the southern and northern regions. The temperature trend for the last ninety years is characterized by a general warming for the entire region whereas the rainfall increased in the northern part and decreased in the southern part of the region. The circulation in the region became more meridional and the number of days with anticyclonic circulation decreased.