Vol. 12, issue 06, article # 6

pdf Ankilov A. N., Baklanov A. M., Borodulin A. I., Buryak G. A., Malyshkin S. B., Ol'kin S. E., P'yankov O. V., P'yankova O. G., Safatov A. S., Sergeev A. N. Estimate of the biological component of the atmospheric aerosol in Southwestern Siberia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 06. P. 488-493.
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Among aerosol forms of pollution, biogenic aerosols and the biological components of aerosol particles occupy a special place. Unfortunately, in Siberia, with the exception of pollen aerosols, the various components of biogenic aerosols have not been systematically investigated. The present paper reports preliminary estimates of the biological component of atmospheric aerosols in Southwestern Siberia: bacteria, other micro-organisms, and also protein pollutants.