Vol. 12, issue 10, article # 3

pdf Zuev V. V., Marichev V. N., Smirnov S. V., Khryapov P. A. Optical monitoring of unperturbed ozonosphere at Siberian Lidar Station. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 10. P. 864-872.
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The paper presents some results of analysis of the data of lidar sensing of the ozonosphere in February and March of 1996-1999 period. As the initial data for analyzing the ozone vertical distribution (OVD) and the temperature vertical distribution (TVD) in the stratosphere the night-mean profiles were used in the altitude range from 13 to 35 km. Analysis also involves the data on nitrogen peroxide vertical distribution (NO2VD) in the 5 km layers in the stratosphere obtained by means of a twilight spectrophotometer as well as the data on the total ozone content (TOC) based on the ozonometric observations. A higher ozone content observed in 1996 and 1998 was accompanied by a temperature rise in the middle stratosphere. High correlation between the OVD and TOC in the lower stratosphere was found. The correlation analysis of OVD and TVD revealed a significant positive correlation in the 18-25 km layer as well as a significant negative correlation in the 13 km layer. The calculated altitude distribution of trends in the ozone content and the temperature in the stratosphere indicates a marked decrease of ozone and cooling of the atmosphere at altitudes of 22-30 km as well as an increase in the ozone content in the lower stratosphere, at the heights from 14 to 16 km. Trends in the NO2 content in 5 km layers in the stratosphere also point to a statistically significant decrease in the NO2 content within the layer from 30 to 35 km.