Vol. 12, issue 11, article # 6

pdf Fedorov A. I. The Effect of Automatic Corona Preionization and Buffer Gases on XeCl-laser Radiation Parameters. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 11. P. 974-976.
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The paper describes some results of investigation into the XeCl and N2 molecular lasers pumped with a symmetric Blumlein generator with automatic corona preionization. A significant effect of the preionizer intensity and a buffer gas (argon or neon) on the output parameters of a XeCl laser excited by a fast discharge is demonstrated. For argon the specific emission power of 0.4 J•l-1•atm-1, was obtained which proved to be twice as large as that for neon regardless of the preionizer intensity. The regions of optimum energy contributions are determined to be from 10 to 25 J•l-1 atm-1 for neon and from 45 to 100 J•l-1•atm-1 for argon in the pumping scheme under study.