Vol. 12, issue 12, article # 4

pdf Panchenko M. V., Terpugova S. A. Description of Vertical Profile of Submicron Aerosol Content in Low Troposphere through Three-layer Representation. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1999. V. 12. No. 12. P. 1041-1045.
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It is proposed to use the notion of a three-layer aerosol vertical profile as a first approximation in the lower troposphere: the interval from 0 to H1 is the ground layer, the interval from H1 to H2 is the mixing layer, and above that is the free atmosphere. The ground layer is parametrized relative to baric formations. The height of the mixing layer was calculated on the basis of data on the total degree of heating of the lower layers. The slope of the profile in the mixing layer was estimated from its statistical correlation with the ground-level value of the scattering coefficient and the average temperature of the mixing layer.