Vol. 13, issue 05, article # 5

pdf Kochanov V. P., Maltseva Yu. V. Population distribution over energy states of a three-level system interacting with three strong resonance fields. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 05. P. 427-436.
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We describe the steady-state distribution of population over energy states of a three-level atom interacting with the fields of three monochromatic waves of arbitrary intensities. In so doing spontaneous and collisional relaxation of energy levels and transitions is taken into account. Using the exact algebraic solution of the problem, obtained for the first time in the approximation of a rotating wave, and the relaxation constants, we analyze, for all the possible configurations of the system, the behavior of the energy level populations as functions of the field amplitudes, frequency detuning, and the resultant phase of the fields. It is found that populations depend on the resultant phase of the fields even within the limits of high intensities that results in an irremovable noise in the contours of absorption and spontaneous emission lines due to radiation fluctuations.