Vol. 13, issue 09, article # 1

pdf Banakh V. A., Werner Ch., Smalikho I. N. Effect of turbulent fluctuations of refractive index on the time spectrum of wind velocity measured by Doppler lidar. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 741-746.
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The effect of turbulent fluctuations of the air refractive index in the atmosphere on the time spectrum of wind velocity measured by a cw Doppler CO2 lidar is studied by numerical simulation. It is shown that fluctuations of the refractive index can cause considerable random displacements of the laser beam focusing area determining an effective sounded volume along the beam propagation axis. The correlation time of these displacements is roughly equal to the time of transfer of medium inhomogeneities by a cross wind to the distance equal to the initial radius of the sounding beam. Random displacements of the sounded volume can just cause the experimentally observed essential increase in the energy of fluctuations in the high-frequency range of the turbulent spectrum of wind velocity measured by the lidar.