Vol. 13, issue 10, article # 8

pdf Belan B. D., Zuev V. V., Sklyadneva T. K., Smirnov S. V., Tolmachev G. N. On the role of total ozone in photochemical production of its tropospheric fraction. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 10. P. 860-864.
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Many-year trends in the total ozone content of the atmosphere and that in the troposphere, which have quite the opposite tendencies in Tomsk, are considered. A hypothesis is proposed that a decrease in the near-ground ozone concentration is due to the decrease in the energy of photodissociation, which governs the intensity of photochemical processes in the lower troposphere. The decrease of the photodissociation energy, in its turn, is stipulated by an enhanced attenuation of solar energy in the 295-310 nm spectral range due to the growth of the total ozone content in the stratosphere. This hypothesis was tested by means of balanced estimates based on the data obtained at Tomsk and Kislovodsk stations. The relative variations of the photodissociation energy and the near-ground ozone concentration have close magnitudes.